
2014 FSR Facility Security Requirements (FSR)
2014 FSR Facility Security Audit Report

Facility Security Requirements (FSR) set minimum standards for security and industry best practices for facilities storing and handling HVTT assets. They also specify the proper methods for maintaining those standards. TAPA members who purchase supply chain services should choose suppliers who meet or exceed TAPA’s FSR certification requirements.
FSR certifications apply to individual facilities, not entire companies. Only those companies that achieve FSR certification for every one of their facilities can claim to be “TAPA-certified.” Facilities must receive FSR certification through an audit process from a TAPA-approved auditor.

2014 Trucking Security Requirements (TSR)
2014 TSR Trucking Security Audit Report
Trucking Security Requirements (TSR) set minimum standards of security and best practices for over-the-road carriers of HVTT goods. These voluntary standards are not part of the formal certification process, but we highly recommend that companies employ them as an essential part of the shipper-carrier relationship.

TAPA's Incident Information System (IIS) system notes that over 85% of all cargo theft in North America involves trucks. Carriers and shippers must work together closely to secure this part of the transportation supply chain.

NOTE: Please bear in mind that FSR and TSR certifications cover only the minimum required standards. Some geographic areas and types of HVTT cargo may require even higher standards.

TAPA Air Cargo Security Standards (TACSS)
These standards have been established to ensure the minimum standards for safe and secure transportation of air cargo transiting on and off airports and airport associated facilities. TACSS consolidates security solutions for air cargo, including best known methods from industry and government compliance programs. The TACSS process comprehends threats to cargo that include theft and use of cargo for terrorist purposes. TACSS can be used in alignment with other independent, regulatory and TAPA requirements.