TAPA Cyber Security Standards


The goal of these Standards is to mitigate cyber risks in the supply chain by developing a global standard that recognizes reasonable levels of cyber security, vendor risk assessments, incident response plans, and secured third-party vendor relationships. The Standards lay out a minimum set of requirements that provide a baseline for a supply chain cyber security program. Organizations of all sizes may apply the principles and best practices of cyber risk management to improve supply chain security and resiliency in their critical infrastructure.

  • This Standard is intended to be a single-level standards framework, (not A, B, C; or 1, 2, 3).
  • The TAPA Cyber Security Standards are not absolute. Using these standards is not a substitute for regularly checking your national, regional, and international governmental reference websites.

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Cyber Security Standards Training
Training will be offered to members of TAPA Americas in January 2023. All members will be notified when registration opens for training.